Wednesday, April 2, 2008

I Am NOT Crazy! :-)

Welcome to the Stratosphere Hotel/Casino in Las Vegas!
It is the tallest building in Vegas, towering more than 1000 feet
high at the very tip top. See that little pink/green lighted thing
dangling off the right side at the top? That's one of the rides we
rode last time there! :-)
Here's me standing out on the observation deck.
You can see the lighted Strip behind me in the distance
hundreds of feet below.

Here is the other ride we rode called the XScream! It was a bobsled two persons wide. It set on that bar you can vaguely see. After everyone was strapped in, the platform dropped away and there was nothing below you but street over 900 feet below! Then the bar extended and tilted down at an angle rapidly sliding the "bobsled" to the end of the bar where it jolted to a halt. You felt you were going to be flung off into the darkness like water droplets flicked off a towel! Aaaahh! That will make you quiver! It was great! :-) Another of my great life experiences.


Faith said...

AAAAAAAAAAACK!!!! Not for me! I will never understand people who ASK to be scared outta their wits. I need ALL my wits! lol (ejoyed your post tho)

Faith said...

"You've been tagged! Come to my blog for the details."