Friday, February 26, 2010

Mystic Lessons: Supremacy of Love

Finally, the greatest lesson of all: “Give supremacy to love.” This is nothing new. Not only was this graphically illustrated to the Hebrews of ancient times, but it was the fundamental doctrine of Christ. He summed up the entire duty of man to first love God with every iota of being, and second to love mankind as one loves ones’ self. That’s about as simple and as difficult as it can get.
As a believer in Christ and follower of his teachings, for me this is the highest calling. In fact it is to define the very foundation and boundaries of my existence. It is within the context of love I am to make my decisions, raise my children, inspire and encourage my wife, lead my family, maintain my work ethic, and care about my coworkers and responsibilities.
It is love that should support my respect for life and human dignity. It is love that makes me stand for what is right and good and true. It is love that should make me kind. It is love that does not get angry and does not swell with pride. It is love that enables me to stay sane amid a maddening world.
The love of God is given to me as a gift. The love of Christ is demonstrated to me by example. The love of my family is grace undeserved. On these bases I must love. If I do not, I am untrue to all that is most dear to me. God help me to love more, love deeper, and love more often: loving unselfishly in humility, expecting nothing in return.
In conclusion, these Mystic Lessons are deep ones indeed. If one could master them, life would be richer every moment. My prayer is that I may learn them better and be a better man, husband, and father every day.

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