Wednesday, April 23, 2008


I guess this would be a single bed!

These days there are lots of new-fangled ways of helping people sleep. Some are psychological, some physiological, and some chemical. All are supposed to help you achieve that perfect number of hours of deep restful sleep. I have no doubt many of these accomplish their goal. However, I think we often overlook the greatest reason for sleeplessness: the spiritual one.

This can be for two reasons:
1. Lack of peace;
2. Lack of trust.

Lack of spiritual peace comes from carrying guilt for one's wrongdoings and failures. This one is easily solved. Jesus said, "Come unto me all ye that labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest." This was a promise of rest from carrying the burden of guilt.

This promise also applies to the second reason for rest-less-ness: lack of trust. Often we worry so much about how the bills are going to be paid, how long our job will last, how safe we are, how good the economy is, etc., etc., that we can't rest. our minds are too full of anxiety to properly rest in Christ.

Christ not only wanted us to lay our burdens of sin on His shoulders (He died for them), He also wanted us to cast our cares upon Him because He cares for us. He promised He would take care of us and supply our needs. We just need to trust Him to do so.

I know from personal experience, this is much easier to say than do. However, every time I have put God to the test, He has never failed. Last year, my family and I went for 6 months with no guaranteed income. We never went hungry. Our bills were all paid, and we never missed a house payment. That was just the mercy and grace of God. We were forced to trust in Him and we found Him sufficient in some pretty amazing ways.

I encourage you to cast yourself and your cares upon Him, and REST. He will never fail you.

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