Friday, April 18, 2008

Seeing The Invisible

This is another funny least it made me laugh! The irony of it is just humorous. However, it makes me think of an important truth. When was the last time you thought of the invisible: that which you cannot see?

There are a lot of different beliefs out there about God and death and the afterlife. These are beliefs about Someone and some things that we cannot see. Whether you believe in them or not is really a position of choice because neither the atheist nor the Christian can unequivocally prove 100% his position.

While logic and science can demonstrate much, they are limited to the finite reach of the human mind. Thus faith is required whichever position one might hold. That faith is in something invisible, intangible. Every moment of living is staked on one's belief. That makes it pretty important to consider the invisible and be as certain as possible about the outcome.

I believe in an invisible all-powerful God. I have done much thinking and considered many positions. I have read many books and talked with many people. In the end, I have staked my living and afterlife on that belief. On what do you stake yours?

Some good books to read about this line of thinking:
A Shattered Visage: The Real Face of Atheism, by Ravi Zacharias
Seeing the Invisible, by A.B. Simpson

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