Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Mystic Lessons: The Value of Solitude

To live life in such vital context, I “Realize the value of solitude.” It has most often been in solitude where I have experienced my clearest perceptions and been most honest with myself. It is in the quiet moments that I feel most in touch with what is really real.
The trouble is that our world today produces so little solitude. We live in roaring suburbs inundated with a multitude of “noises.” Dancing images from the television, movies, and the internet distract us. Our headphones jam with latest tunes. Headlines scream. Radio hosts jabber. Bosses yell. Advertisers clamor. Technology rings, vibrates, buzzes, and hums. Amid all this, we must somehow sort through the cacophony to find harmony and peace. The best way to do this is to find a moment, a place, a breath of solitude.
That place may be may be at the top of a snow-covered mountain or in the brisk scent of a pine-filled valley. It may be on the shore of the ocean or bank of a gurgling brook. It might be at 30,000 feet in an airplane. But, most likely it will be a glass of iced tea on the front porch on a summer afternoon or a brisk walk through the neighborhood before the morning lurches to life. It will be on my knees in a chapel or beside my bed. It will be piddling in the garage or traveling to work in my car. In these alone moments, I listen to hear that inner voice that guides me. If I do not hear it, I feel lost and alone.
So, for me solitude is essential. And, I admit, I am not afraid of my own company. Sometimes, I particularly like being alone and I am perfectly content to take that glass of iced tea and shut myself away to enjoy some quiet. I just wish I could experience it more frequently. I need to take my own advice and make more quiet moments alone. Maybe more of my next steps in life would come into focus.

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