Friday, February 22, 2008

Prayer Meeting

When was the last time you had a prayer meeting? I don't mean at church. I mean you and your spouse or a friend or even more radically, just you and God. Sadly we don't have much prayer any more. We like to gripe about prayer being taken from our public schools and public forums. I agree that is a problem in our nation but we fail to acknowledge that prayer has been gone from our personal lives just as long.

The absence of prayer in the venue of real world living is a situation over which we have control. Its determinant is personal choice. I know in my own life, I blamed all kinds of things for the lack of personal time with God. I blamed long hours at my high pressure job. I blamed the demands of my family. I blamed my legitimate pursuit of higher education. I even admitted the time I had was taken by some frivolous things such as magazines, or computer games, or whatever. The end result remained that I threw around a lot of blame and still had no time alone with God.

Then, for a while, my circumstances changed. I didn't have the stress, the job, or school. The one thing I had lots of was time. You know what, things still didn't change. I found that my time was filled with lots of other frivolous things and I still didn't pray any more than before. Now my circumstances are changing again. I now have a lot of work, a lot of school, and plenty to do. But now I know I can't blame my schedule for lack of prayer time. Lack of time with God can only be blamed on self. Any other reason is merely an excuse. So I ask the Lord to strengthen my will to choose Him first every day above all else. He must be priority. I'll be seeking Him.

By the way, I'll be meeting with my good friend Phil in the morning for prayer meeting. I encourage you to find a prayer partner. The accountability and fellowship is exponentially empowering. God Bless.

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