Sunday, February 17, 2008


Just a few thoughts:

Today is nearly done. It has been an ok day. It has not been spectacular, it has not been bad. It has simply been a day. With this in mind I think of what today is supposed to be: a day of rest.
The first day of rest we know of in history is recorded in the book of Genesis when God the Creator rested from all His work. Since that time in various ways, a "Sabbath" day of rest was eventually codified in an entire culture and has been continued in the Christian Tradition. Only within the last fifty years have we observed the rapid loss of this observance. In all of time, mankind has never lived at a more frenetic pace. Now, of all times in history, when we need a day rest most, we have gradually let it slip away.
Now, Sunday (or Saturday if such is what you observe) is just as full of activity and focus on ourselves as any other day of the week. How about you? Do you need a breather from the mad rush of the world around us? Start planning for next weekend today. Set aside that day of rest for you and your family. Schedule the errands for another day. Plan to attend church so that you may lift your eyes away from the blur of earth toward Heaven for a few brief moments. You'd be surprised how much clearer your vision of everything else will become.
Take time to turn off whatever electronic gizmos you may possess. You'd be surprised how restful that is. Don't answer your telephone. That's why we invented voice mail! Take time to meditate. Think about God's perspective of your world and circumstances. Let Him shed light in your path to guide you. Break out the old guitar and do a little family singing. Drink a glass of iced tea. Give your spouse a foot rub. Sit on the front porch and look at the stars. When Monday comes, you'll hit the ground running. It won't have to be a "blue" Monday.
Your weeks are hectic enough. On Sunday, "give it a rest." God will bless it! Have a Great Week!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good stuff Rick. I was up finishing up some work on the SJ site and another site I'm working on. Its so touch to take time to relax, especially when I work some Sundays. I'm looking forward to cleaning up my schedule a bit and setting some time aside to just veg out, read, or whatever. :) Nite brother